The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family. -Thomas Jefferson

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Little Miss Independant

A very typical mom moment: Baby gets into the bread and my first instinct is not to hurry and clean it up and salvage what bread is left…no, it is to run and get the camera!


Laura Chapman said...

That's funny! She keeps you on your toes it looks like.

Jason-Mindi-Porter-Ellery said...

Too funny! Look at that hair grow! It seems pretty light too!

Jason-Mindi-Porter-Ellery said...

P.S. I miss "Grandma" bread soooo bad!! I want to join her.

Tamara Jacobs said...

So cute! I'm the same way- clean it up? no way- grab the camera!

Stephanie said...

I just love it! She is so darn cute and she can definitely fend for herself! Hey, that's 2 things she's got going for her...and we could keep on counting too.

Natalie said...

Hey Erin, it's Natalie Kehr (Dokos) I was so excited to find you through Quinci's blog. I'll have to get your email from facebook and send you an invite to my blog. Your little girl is so cute. I love the pictures of when she was little.

the watkins said...

Don't you feed her? She looks like she's starving and can't get enough bread! J/K

I am working on the picture tag but it might take me a few more days.

cody+sara said...

I'll be honest, I wish it were flour ;) - good moms document with lots of pictures, you're a GREAT mom!

The Sorensen Family said...

Hey Erin! It is Janae Sorensen from the ward.. I came across your blog through Stephanie. Your blog is so cute! Your girl is so darling and is getting so big! I love how you got the Camera first! I would have done the same! I am glad to be able to look at your blog more. Hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day tomorrow!

Heidi said...

looks like she's feeling better:) That is cute. Way to get the camera!!!

Krishelle said...

Hey at least she is eating something =) Looks like you don't need to worry anymore!