So I think it’s safe to say that Kaitlyn is going to LOVE having a baby sister (maybe even too much!). I heard her in her room playing with her baby today and couldn’t resist sneaking around getting some pictures of her. I added a commentary of her conversations with the baby too!
“open baby, have to brush teeth”
She was reading baby her favorite book, Duck in the Truck. I was amazed how well she knew what it said just from the pictures!
Now this next picture made me cry. She had gotten her baby on her knees and was praying with her so she could put her to bed. The fits, messes, and potty accidents of the day flew out of my mind when I saw this and heard “Father” and “Amen”. This is what makes being a mom SO worth it, knowing you are teaching your kids correct principles and that they are learning the role the Gospel plays in their lives.